Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Manga books that teaches you Japanese and make you laugh...

I remember watching the TV show "All That" on the channel Nickelodeon long ago. I was watching the part where Kenan Thompson played a silly French teacher named Pierre Escargot in one skit. In that skit, while Pierre Escargot takes a bath wearing a rain coat, he teaches the viewers some stupid French words.

The French words he speaks in are nothing but gibberish. But it's just something to make viewers laugh anyway.

This sort of gave me an idea of my own Japanese lessons for Japanese manga lovers everywhere. People who are studying a language also needs laughter so that they can enjoy their lessons more.

In one page, on the first panel, a characters speaks in Japanese and then in the next panel, he translates it into English. That's how it should be. And in some pages, the manga should explain about the sentences.

Of course, it's also good to write the Japanese text with furigana for those who find kanji really hard to read or understand.

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